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Stella Wellness – An Integrative Nutrition Coach and Yoga instructor, left a job as a radiographer to live and work in Thailand for the last 4 years shares some tips in the Fit Clinic “break-fast” seminar.
Seminar Tips
 Breakfast just refers to the first meal when you “break your fast”
Start with a smoothie “base”, (coconut/almond milk/water/other)
Banana peel can give you good skin and teeth (When rubbed on your teeth)
Chia and good fats added can help feelings and fullness and are great to add to a smoothie (eating less later and overall)
Collagen has useful anti-ageing properties which can be added and consumed in smoothies (preferably animal based due to bio-availability)
Real Goji berries should be a deeper red
Add coffee grinds or oats to left over smoothie to make a face mask.

Full video link available to members and Open Day attendees

On the 7th October, we ran a Charity Open Day which assisted Miracle Babies Foundation, it consisted of seminars, physical activity sessions and open  gym time. See our Facebook timeline and Instagram for more information on the days events