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As the end of the year is finally approaching, it’s important to start thinking about & planning your goals for the new year!

2020 has taught that patience, the need for self-discipline & being able to adapt to a situation is more important than ever. It’s important to consider these when thinking about goal setting.

Think SMART, use our guide to break down your goals into smaller tasks. When going into the new year have a mindset of being patient with your goal, practicing self-discipline with your goal & if something doesn’t work out the way you expected, then adapt to the new situation so you’re still on track & able to achieve your goal in the set time-frame.

Plan, organise & adapt if required. If you have a plan, it’s easier to know your next step, organisation will ensure you’re getting done what’s required & if it doesn’t go to plan, adapt to the new situation rather than giving up.

Fit Clinic’s Guide:

  1. Create your long term goal (6 months to 1 year)
  2. For each goal create a monthly goal
  3. For each goal create a weekly goal
  4. For each goal create a daily goal


  1. Long term goal: Fat Mass loss of 10kg in 1 year
  2. Monthly goal: 1kg fat mass reduction per month
  3. Weekly goal: Attend gym 3x per week, a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week, cooking meals 6x per week
  4. Daily goal: 30 minutes of walking & not overindulging in sweets.

Handy tips when goal setting

  • Write down your daily & weekly tasks in your calendar, this will help remind you & implement the tasks
  • Be patient, usually, fitness or body composition related goals are long term goals that require patience & discipline
  • Stick to the basics, steer clear of fad diets & ‘get fit quick’ regimes, they may be beneficial in the short term but have reduced long term prospects
  • Have a clear WHY you need to achieve this goal, understanding the reason why will help you maintain motivation & achieve.
  • Having 1 goal, too many may be confusing & overwhelming
  • Building on goals, start small & grow as you tick them off
  • It’s ok to have a shift in goals, situations change & adapting to a situation may be required.
  • Ensure they’re SMART! (watch the video below)

If you need help with goal setting, the team at Fit Clinic would love to assist & as always we look forward to seeing you kicking goals in the new year!