Isn’t it N.E.A.T. | FitClinicAU
Our body and appetite does try to force us to maintain our weight as we are reducing weight. But it does that naturally, we move…
Our body and appetite does try to force us to maintain our weight as we are reducing weight. But it does that naturally, we move…
The Season Is Fast Approaching The Wheelchair Basketball season is fast approaching with competition set to begin in May. Z one of our Fit Clinic…
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Nordic Curls: A How-To Guide The Hamstring Muscles The Hamstrings are a group of three muscles (Bicep femoris: long and short head, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus)…
Anatomy The Anterior Cruciate Ligament is located at the center of the knee. Its role to support and stabilise the knee joint, preventing the shin…
Continue Reading Late Stage Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rehabilitation→
Earlier in the year, Fit Clinic hosted the South-West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) Netball team for a “lifting seminar.” We gave athletes information on:-Why…
Continue Reading South West Sydney Academy of Sport Lifting Seminar 2019→
Snaps from the Seminar Sports Podiatry Seminar 9th June 2018 [huge_it_slider id=”7 “] Preventing Injuries In Sport What to be aware of to prevent…
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