“Sit Up Straight” Sounds Good….But It’s A LIE!
If you only “sit up straight” your body will get used to that. You’ll be less human and more robot. The body is actually quite…
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If you only “sit up straight” your body will get used to that. You’ll be less human and more robot. The body is actually quite…
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A little snapshot of our Australia Day group workout session. ?
What’s your perfect posture? A few posture bracing products have been popping up on my social media news feed, and we’ve been fielding a few…
JUGGLING MAKES YOU SMARTER Learn to 3 ball juggle and increase both the grey matter and connections in the brain. Learning a new language or…
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Videos in this playlist: Barefoot Anatomy To Use Orthotics or Not? What To Look For In Shoes Why Barefoot Is Best
Video points. Standing vs sitting. Is standing actually better? What is best? #MoveFree #LiveFree #TeamFitClinic #FitClinicAU
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